We are Victoria’s parkade cleaning specialists. We focus on parkades for commercial and strata buildings, surface parking lots, post construction parkades and surface lots, exterior building and property cleaning, and warehouse floor scrubbing. With over 20 years of experience in all aspects of strata, commercial and industrial cleaning, we are able to offer a range of services that provides our clientele the highest level of service, while ensuring the most economical and efficient solutions are used to maintain property cleanliness and appearance. Our services are available all across Vancouver Island and the greater Vancouver area - any day, any time.
We use the most up to date machinery and methods to ensure efficiency. Our combination sweeper/scrubber is the most fuel and water efficient on the market. This cleaning system uses dry and wet cylindrical/disc scrubbers, able to place 600 pounds of scrubbing power, to dislodge even the most aggressive soils and grime from surfaces. The internal water reclamation system leaves surfaces clean and dry after only one pass, collecting all dust/dirt and grime.
Parkade and Surface Lot Cleaning
Commercial and Strata Buildings
We work with property management companies in Victoria and across Vancouver Island, maintaining their building parkades and surface lots. This building maintenance service prolongs the life of the parkade floor, maintains property cleanliness and helps upkeep the property’s appearance. We highly recommend Bi-annual cleaning to ensure the post-winter residue is thoroughly scrubbed, as it is more difficult to remove and more damaging the longer the salt, sand and coolant remain on your parkade floor.
Additional Parkade/Parking Services:
‣ Exterior ramp cleaning
‣ Softwashing entrance/exit gates
‣ Exterior lot sweeping ( Monthly, Bi annual, Annual)
‣ Storage rooms/bike rooms/waste disposal room cleaning
Parkade and Surface Lot Cleaning
Post Construction
Our sweeper/scrubber system is the best choice post construction with its
‣ Low emissions
‣ Lower water consumption
‣ Less sediment/soil in drainage system
‣ Turnaround time
‣ Overall efficiency
We understand the unique challenges that occur on a construction site. At SCS we adhere to the proper health and safety protocols required in this environment, while ensuring the efficiency of your operation and ours.
Exterior Building and Property Cleaning
Soft Washing
Providing soft washing and hot/cold pressure washing services and applications for
‣ Building siding/building structures
‣ Building storefronts
‣ Asphalt and concrete surfaces and structures
‣ Exterior Walkways
‣ Patios and patio furniture
‣ Graffiti/gum removal
‣ Mechanical equipment
Advantages of using Hot water versus Cold water:
Standard Pressure washers and systems use cold water and pressure to remove dirt and grime. Combining the pressure with hot water up to 93 degrees, hot pressure systems are designed to cut through oil and grease, rids surfaces of bacteria, algae and other organic materials. Hot water is also more ecologically friendly, as less or no detergents are needed to be used for cleaning.

Contact us
Contact us today to find out more about our specialized cleaning services!